Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Discordia Arts - last challenge

Task 25 (FINAL TASK) Due Feb 28. JOURNAL

For your final journal entry, reflect on this experience. Did you grow? Did you push yourself? Which of the tasks was the most difficult, the most fun, the most helpful in your personal dance journey? Did this challenge help you move out of your comfort zone, and how? Anything else that you would like to add?

I admit it: I am uncomfortable in my own body. Dance has changed a lot in my life, and has impacted my health overall for the better, but I still have a road to travel down to be truly comfortable in my own skin. A challenge like this is extraordinarily difficult because I spend so much time internally restricting myself that I have a hard time letting go and existing, let alone living, in the moment. I half-feared that I would start and stop it, hoping that nobody noticed. My self-judgement and lack of self-confidence work very hard to keep me very restrained.

I made it through, and completed every challenge.

I'd be more proud if I had been able to give this challenge my all, and not only what little I could do in between bouts of sickness. As it was, I made it through and I do feel like I pushed myself and grew, but I feel like I could have pushed myself further and grown more had I been healthy during the challenge. I think that I would like to go through all of the challenges again once I am back to full health and prepared to give it my all. Maybe I will report in about it again.

Oddly, the task I had the hardest time with was one that I should have had the easiest time with. This was due to health restrictions. I had plans to attend different classes each week and even scheduled them. I also had a hard time with the "no music" task because I spent entirely too much time in my head. After completing it though I started working with it some again. I can see the massive benefit in creating combinations and trying them out with different music to see how the general feel changes. Critiquing myself was pretty hard.

"Clowning Around" and "unusual Props" were super fun. I had previously done colors and elements and enjoyed getting to revisit them. I definitely want to revisit most of the tasks, especially the repetition one, soon.

I think that they all were helpful in their own ways. Each task showed me an area where I can improve, gave me tools to work on that, and inspired me to try again. They nudged me out of my comfort zone. I imagine that I need to spend more time with them to really explore outside my comfort zone. Some were more difficult, some were easy, and all were beneficial in their own way.

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